Before the intensive week in Iceland teachers and master students from the Iceland University of the Arts prepared a day of workshops for the other participants. It resulted in three short and open exercises that enabled people to work in an explorative way and to compare different perspectives. The three exercises are Language, Outside and Silence.

Walk around individually and find a tree that you are drawn to. Lay down underneath it and place a piece of paper on your chest or next to you. Start drawing your tree without looking at the paper. Take turns in looking, sensing, and drawing, looking, sensing, and drawing. After 10 minutes the group assembles and participants show their drawings and share their experiences.
Repeat once more.
Two people together
Two people walk together in a line without speaking. When the person in front stops and sits down, the second person sits next to the first one. After sitting together for some time and looking, draw what you find remarkable in your view. Only after finishing look at your drawings together.
Authors: Anna Halldórsdóttir, Guðrún Hrund Harðardóttir, Íris Friðmey Sturludóttir, Sigurbjörn Ingvarsson, Hye Joung Park, Ingimar Waage and Gunndís Ýr Finnbogadóttir