Unleashing the polyphonic voices within students through sensory activities in the art museum
Unleashing Polyphonic Voices within Students through ensory Activities in the Art Museum In short Students developed this idea for an imaginative dialogue with pupils from KNUDEN Cultural School of Kristiansand at Sørlandets Kunstmuseum-SKMU during the intensive week, April 2022. By Kristin, Anton, Sifra Set-upYou will need: Sheets of paper that a see through. Preferably still…
String Dance
String dance In short Students developed this idea for an imaginative dialogue with elderly people in care homes during the intensive week in Helsinki, 2021 By Eva Blaak, Maggi Asbjørnsen and Moona Nevalainen Students invited the participants to sit on a cushion placed on the floor in a circle. The facilitator explained the key rules…