Carry Rosenblatt Limpens

  • Tuesday April 26 reflection

    Tuesday April 26 reflection

    Causing ripples in water….

  • Monday April 25 groupreflection

    Monday April 25 groupreflection

    Observation on process of the first day: info on many different layers, levels was presented after and through one another: concepts of PIMDI, pedagogy, didactics, and practicalities. We needed to switch a lot. Central concepts and words and questions we noted: holding space, mud; democratic, emancipatory; the act of valuing, differences in values, difference between…

  • Monday April 25 reflection

    Monday April 25 reflection

    My mind is wandering and wondering a lot, trying to connect with the new surroundings. I am at a happy place & in a happy state.  There is a snake in this paradise too; it’s head is heart-shaped.

  • one moment of reflection

    one moment of reflection


  • The Dutch team

    The Dutch team

    The Dutch team

  • Day one – Two moments of reflection, in two places

    Day one – Two moments of reflection, in two places

    I am laying and feeling the floor and the table, it gives good support after a long day. Above me, through the skylight I see an airplane and the line that it makes across the window – then it is blown away quickly – it is windy up there.  I am here, I am all…

  • Moments(s) of embodied reflection, in various locations

    Moments(s) of embodied reflection, in various locations

    see image

  • Get to know team ICELAND!

    We are team Iceland. We don’t know what Icelandic stereotypes are but we probably fit them. Some of us are experienced Pimdi-peeps while others bring a new perspective to the upcoming intensive week, but we are all looking forward to meeting you, our fellow students and collegues. Following is a little bit about each of…

  • Get to know TEAM ICELAND!

    We are team Iceland. We don’t know what Icelandic stereotypes are but we probably fit them. Some of us are experienced Pimdi-peeps while others bring a new perspective to the upcoming intensive week, but we are all looking forward to meeting you, our fellow students and collegues. Following is a little bit about each of…