Gunndís Finnbogadóttir
The final seminar of the PIMDI project, will take place on 31 August 2023 in Groningen, the Netherlands. During the project experiences and experimental practices have been documented and the reflections upon them. This has led to theorizing and descriptive papers, multimodal reflective documentation, a starting point for the methodology and framework of a curriculum,…
PIMDI newsletter November 2022
The PIMDI-partnership – A pedagogy of imaginative dialogues 2nd PIMDI newsletter The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership ‘A pedagogy of imaginative dialogues’ is a collaboration of four master programs from four universities: In this newsletter we will let you know how our project on imaginative dialogues in and through arts education proceeds. The joint Master of Education…
PIMDI newsletter March 2022
The PIMDI-partnership – A pedagogy of imaginative dialogues In september 2020 a consortium of five universities that offer MA programmes in arts education have started a so called Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership with the aims of developing and sharing innovative practices by cooperation, peer learning, and exchanges of experiences. The partnership was initiated by the Master’s programme…
Intensive week in Helsinki
At the end of November the Master’s Programme in Dance Pedagogy at the Uniarts in Helsinki hosted the PIMDI partners from Iceland, Norway and the Netherlands. A group of thirty students and 11 teachers worked together for the entire week, through November 25-29. The intensive week was the first meeting in for all participants in…