The PIMDI-partnership – A pedagogy of imaginative dialogues

2nd PIMDI newsletter
The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership ‘A pedagogy of imaginative dialogues’ is a collaboration of four master programs from four universities:
- The joint Master of Education in Arts from the Hanze University of Groningen and the NHL Stenden University of Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
- The Master of Dance Pedagogy at Uniarts in Helsinki, Finland.
- The Master of Fine Arts at the University of Agder (UiA) in Kristiansand, Norway.
- The interdisciplinary Master of Arts Education at the Iceland University of the Arts in Reykjavik, Iceland.
In this newsletter we will let you know how our project on imaginative dialogues in and through arts education proceeds.
The joint Master of Education in Arts from the Hanze University of Groningen and the NHL Stenden University of Leeuwarden, the Netherlands.
The growth of experiences
In developing a pedagogy of imaginative dialogues, we have been increasingly guided by the actual experiences of our encounters and dialogues in the here and now: in Finland, Norway and Iceland. And soon in Groningen.
We experienced how the invitation to meet and imagine differences in a so-called third space or dialogue space requires courage and safety. Read More…
PIMDI Intensive week in Iceland
19-23 September 2022 the Icelandic PIMDI partner, the Master of Arts Education at the Iceland Academy of the Arts in Reykjavik, hosted the 3rd intensive study week on-site. This week was actually postponed from April 2021, when we should have travelled to Iceland, but were only able to meet on-line because of Covid. The participants were 18 students 10 teachers and a documentarist. Read more…
Embodying Iceland
Six master students from the Master’s programme in Fine Arts at UiA were invited to participate in this third intensive study week in Iceland where our role was to be both students and co-researchers.

As co-researchers we participated, documented, and reflected on the activities during and after the week, and thus provided important material for the research part of the PIMDI-project. Read more…
Pimdi digital toolbox under construction
This is an example of how the work on PIMDI digital toolbox is going and how the exercises are developed. Please take look at what we already have published:
The main aim of the PIMDI digital toolbox is the introduction of the PIMDI methodology to arts educators, to provide them with teaching materials and exercises that have been tested and developed through collaborations, peer learning, and exchanges of experiences during the project‘s intensive weeks. Together with all the partners, we are discovering ways to connect all the work into the toolkit, contextualize the material and make it accessible.

To give an example, a new exercise in the toolbox was developed by the teachers at the Iceland University of the Arts along with their master students: the exercise was one of six excercises that were introduced to the participating group during the last intensive week in Iceland. The aim of the exercise was to explore difference through our experiences and perception of the surroundings. The general description was as follows: Two persons walk together in a line without speaking. When the person in front stops and sits down, the second person sits next to the first one. After sitting together some time and looking, draw what you find remarkable in your view. Only after finishing, look at your drawings together. Read more…
Short impression from the ELIA-conference

PIMDI members Liisa Jaakonaho, Pauliina Laukkanen and Eeva Anttila from Uniarts Helsinki held a workshop connected to PIMDI at ELIA 2022 conference. The conference was organized at Uniarts Helsinki with the theme “No Stone Unturned”. The title of their workshop was From Hidden to Shared Vulnerability – developing connections through embodiments of ‘imaginative dialogue’. The aim of their workshop was to underline the importance of acknowledging vulnerability in the context of tertiary arts education. They started by highlighting the aim and focus of PIMDI; that is, taking the (radical) differences between cultural values seriously and allowing students to get a better insight in the process of valuing as such. In planning and leading the workshop Liisa, Pauliina and Eeva drew from their experiences within PIMDI and elsewhere in academia and also, from the perspectives of their personal research interests and projects. First, they introduced PIMDI and their individual themes regarding the notion of vulnerability, and then, participants were free to visit three “corners”, planned by the three presenters. In the end, everyone gathered together for a final discussion. In all, the workshop emphasized how fostering working cultures where people are safe to share, rather than hide, their vulnerability, is key in supporting collective well-being, as well as students’ personal growth as artists.
PIMDI- Agenda
27th of January 2023 – Workshops based on PIMDI during the symposium KUNSTVAK, Drachten, The Netherlands.
The programme is in Dutch.
8/9/10th of March 2023 – Meeting of the PIMDI learning community of teachers from the four universities in Groningen
17th – 21th of April 2023 – Intensive week in Groningen/Wehe den Hoorn
31st of August 2023 – Final Seminar of the Erasmus PIMDI-project in Groningen