19-23 September 2022 the Icelandic PIMDI partner, the Master of Arts Education at the Iceland Academy of the Arts in Reykjavik, hosted the 3rd intensive study week on-site. This week was postponed from April 2021, when we should have traveled to Iceland, but we were only able to meet online because of Covid. The participants were 18 students
10 teachers and a documentarist. The theme for the week was imaginative dialogues with nature and as a new thing, we all spent four days (3 nights) together in a historical place called Skálholt 1,5 hour´s drive from the city. This location gave us the opportunity to stay united and thus to have a more flexible program. Also, the Icelandic students were an integrated part of the planning group facilitating dialogues across the teacher-student divide. On the fourth day the students worked together with students from a local upper secondary group, inviting them to engage with sensuous and artistic approaches to nature.
After their return home, the six Norwegian master students from the University of Agder wrote a blog post, that was published on the university home site.
With their permission, we publish their multivoiced report on their experiences from participating in the intensive week as both students and co-researchers.