Name and Weather Condition

In the PIMDI intensive week in Iceland, this exercise was done when the group first met together.

In a circle, each person takes their turn, saying their name and a weather condition that they relate to or feel that they could embody at that moment.


  • Meeting and connecting with people
  • Sharing something of oneself, but not being too brainy or personal
  • A check-in on how one is feeling in the moment
  • Being seen, but lightly
  • A good way to land in space, accessing the space with others

Who with:

  • Any group
  • For example, in situations where participants don’t know each other yet, or have not seen each other for a while.


  • The weather may be changed to some other phenomenon, idea or question
  • In a circle, facing away from the circle
    • Each doing their movement to reflect on the question, for example the weather identification
    • Then all turning towards the circle and moving together at the same time
      • Sharing personal experience through movement, being seen but not one by one
    • In the Iceland week, this was done at the end of the week, after returning to Reykjavik from the countryside, reflecting on the feelings of coming back to the city.


  • 10-15 minutes

Authors: Gunndis Yr Finnbogadottir, Hye Joung Park, Ingimar Olafsson Waage + Icelandic PIMDI students, Iceland University of the Arts, Reykjavik.