Reflective Documentation
Reflective documentation is one of the five intellectual outputs of the PIMDI -project. It has been developed it throughout the project in collaboration with all partners, teachers, and students. Uniarts Helsinki has been responsible for this Intellectual Output 4. Here, we present the four elements that have been created within IO4.
- The article entitled Reflective documentation as practice: Enhancing multimodal, embodied ways of knowing in arts education and beyond written by Eeva Anttila, Liisa Jaakonaho and Taneli Tuovinen conceptualizes the notion of reflective documentation and illuminates how it might be applied in the practices of arts education and artistic research. It also presents a a working definition of reflective documentation that explains how multimodal and embodied practices that extend beyond linguistic processing can be employed in arts education, and beyond.
- Exposition in Research Catalogue portal that can be accessed following this link here is connected to the article. It has been created by the authors of the article for fuller appreciation of the multimodal nature of reflective work and reflective documentation. This element connects the article with artistic research which is the methodological direction that this inquiry is closely connected with.
- A videocompilation (please see here bellow) that illuminates the PIMDI methodology of exploring-inviting-engaging, and then reflecting through excerpts from the four intensive week held in Helsinki (October 2021), Kristiansand (April 2022), Reykjavik/Skalholt (September 2022), and Groningen (April 2023).
- Embodied, multimodal reflection methods that have been gathered from all teachers of the PIMDI community. These methods can be developed further by anyone interested in the embodied reflection and in the notion of reflective documentation. The methods can be found amongst others in the exercises section.